Loved, loved, loved the 1981 classic, starring Kurt Russell, Ernest Borgnine, Isaac Hayes, Harry Dean Stanton, and Adrienne Barbeau, and written/directed by John Carpenter
The remake is due for release in 2013, potentially starring Timothy Olyphant and directed by Breck Eisner, who both worked on the remake of George Romero's The Crazies. Eisner has respect for the original works he is tackling, uses good judgment in retaining and removing what does and does not work for the current time. Agree or disagree? This article in Cinematical recommends a whole new origin story for Snake Plisken, instead of using it as a remake/origin mishmash. My thoughts? I'd rather see a whole new story, and allow new fans to go back and view the original in all its glory. And while you're at it, do the same for the Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. It is splendid the way it is, but could use a new story to be told about the same characters.
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